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Module 3:

Case Design Resources

Module 3 Contents


1. Mentor Program 

2. Case Design Program

3. DIY Program

4. What to Do When There is No Back End Case



1. Mentor Program


How to help families guarantee their hard earned savings will be there when they need it and what financial solutions work best for the college planning marketplace.


Congratulations for choosing our Mentor Program! You've come to the right place if you want to save time and energy.


Our mentors will teach you how to get paid in this process while you learn along the way allowing  you to continue having workshops without missing revenue opportunities.


Below is the link to submit your preliminary case design and a short summary of what to expect. Attached to your right, you will find a more detailed step-by-step guide about this process.


Step 1:     _______Check this____to submit your preliminary case design. You will receive 1 of 3 emails below: 



You will receive an APPROVED email from our team with instructions to follow the 3 steps below:


Step 1: Schedule Meeting With Mentor:

You will be assigned a mentor for your case (you may have a different mentor each time). Use the calendar link provided in the email to schedule your Numbers meeting (M2) with your mentor and your client 2 weeks out.


Step 2: Upload Documents:

Use the upload link in step 2 to upload the items on the Documents Needed list and the Client Planning Questionnaire (CPQ). (Both documents will be included in the APPROVED email for your convenience and are also posted to your left).


Step 3: Sign & Upload the Commission Split Agreement: Upload the commission split agreement to the same upload link from step 2.




Step 1: You will receive an email with questions and/ or requests for additional information.




Step 1: You will receive an email from our team stating why your case was declined. You will have the opportunity to provide additional information we are unaware of that may change your case. If your case continues to be declined, your client's main point of contact will be Peace of Mind College Consulting to continue the relationship with the college-bound student. (See What To Do When There Is No Back End Case video).


On the right hand side you can find the downloads:



50 50 Mentor Program Step by Step Guidelines


College Planning Questionnaire


Documents Needed for Financial Planning

2. Case Design Program

Welcome to the Case Design program! You've gone through the Mentor Program, learned the strategies, and you are ready to handle the Numbers appointment, Philosophy of Money appointment, strategy appointment, subscribe to any educational software that is needed to educate your clients in your meetings including any additional tools for analysis to close your cases.


Below is the link to submit your preliminary case design and a short summary of what to expect. Attached to your left, you will find a more detailed step-by-step guide about this process.


Step 1: CLICK HERE CHeck thisto submit your preliminary case design.You will be prompted to complete the Case Design Agreement and make the payment. Our team will let you know if it's Approved, Declined or Pending with Questions.




Step 1: Schedule Your Numbers Meeting (M2): Schedule your M2 to hold two weeks after you enroll the family in to POM.


Step 2: Upload Documents:

The email will include an upload link to upload the Documents Needed list and the Client Planning Questionnaire (CPQ). (Both documents will be included in the email and are also posted here).


Step 3: Case Design Will Begin:

Once we receive all required documents and you've run your M2, our team will begin and you will receive your case design within 7-10 business days


Step 4: Schedule Your Philosophy of Money Meeting (M3) -

You will run (M3) and any subsequent meetings thereafter and are required to update our team on the results of each meeting by the end of the first business day after the meeting.


Step 5: You Sell The Case!

We are added for 20%, as contractually agreed, and you may choose 1 of 2 options regarding your paid fee:


  • Opt to have the fee refunded

  • Roll the fee over as credit for your next 80/20 case




Step 1: You will receive an email with questions and/ or requests for additional information.




Step 1: You will receive an email from our team stating why your case was declined. Your client's main point of contact will be Peace of Mind College Consulting (See What To Do When There Is No Back End Case video).


On the right hand side you can find the downloads:




80 20 Case Design Step by Step


Numbers Appointment Questionnaire


College Planning Questionnaire


Documents Needed for College Financial Planning


2nd Appointment Email Template


2nd Appointment Email Template-Long Version

3. DIY Program

You've done your workshop and you've signed up a family. You are now ready to educate them on how to pay for college. You will determine if your client qualifies for back end financial planning. You will do the case design and run all meetings. 


In this video, John covers two key items: First, how to properly run a 2nd appointment, which we call the Numbers Appointment. Second, how to build the cash flow strategy using the spreadsheets and tools. Gathering the real financial data and their goals is key to a successful cash flow plan. Listen to how John goes about doing this and steal from him directly or change it up to match your style.



Numbers Appointment Questionnaire

On the right hand side you can find the downloads:


Numbers Appointment Questionnaire


College Planning Questionnaire


Documents Needed for Financial Planning


2nd Appointment Template


2nd Appointment Template Long Version


College Planning Questionnaire


Documents Needed for College Financial Planning


2nd Appointment Email Template


2nd Appointment Email Template-Long Version

4. What to Do When You There is

No Back End Case

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1180 N. Town Center Dr., Suite 100 
Las Vegas, NV 89144


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6200 Canoga Ave., Suite 202

Woodland Hills, CA 91367



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