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Merging Solutions
With Strategic Resources

Holistic Planning for Maximum Wealth Management Efficiency


Nobel Prize winning portfolio strategies rooted in empirically tested economic principles. Creative solutions for tax and risk efficiency.



Private money management with a customized portfolio approach under fiduciary standards, prudent diversification and access to advanced planning fixed and variable products.


Personal & business goals-based planning, risk analysis, cash flow and projections. Advanced level retirement income distribution strategies and liquidity planning.


Through our planning process, we create a plan to help meet your short-, medium-, and long-term goals. A clearly designed road map that helps track and reach important life and business goals.


Proactive business and personal tax planning to strategically minimize income tax exposure. Retirement tax minimization strategies. 


Aggressive & highly advanced tax reduction strategies, tax planning and projections, tax return review, pre- and post- business sale tax reduction strategies.

Business Transition Strategies

Focused approach in order to increase business valuation over time and advanced tax reduction strategies after sale. 


Ongoing counsel to steer the transition and control the process. A team of true fiduciary advisors to significantly improve company valuation as well as A-Z investment banking and final sale transition. 

Employee Benefits

Advanced strategies for business employee benefits including retirement plan support under the fiduciary standard.


We assist business owner by strategically implementing corporate sponsored retirement plans as well as other employee benefits while providing on-going support for employee's and owners. 

College Planning

College planning, including student services and college funding strategies to potentially increase financial aid. 


College funding is a real retirement planning issue. Funding college incorrectly can drain retirement assets, real estate equity, and personal savings. Our approach to college funding emphasizes the use of financial aid before personal assets.

Image by udit saptarshi

Who We Serve

6 NEW Estate Plan "Wormholes" Opened By New Laws

How We Help

In the area of financial life planning/goals, we can help you determine:
  • What money means to you.
  • How you can use your money to make a life instead of your life to make money.
  • How to live your life by design rather than by default.
  • What the tangibles and intangibles are that you want your financial assets to provide you and your family.
  • How life transitions will affect you and how you can proactively prepare for the financial challenges and opportunities that await you.
  • Which financial goals and passions are realistic and achievable.
In the area of cash flow planning, we can help you determine:
  • The extent to which you are living within or beyond your income.
  • How much you can safely spend and how much you need to save.
  • How your current standard of living compares, for example, with what you might
  • expect in retirement, if you get out of debt, or after you put your children through college.
  • How to easily track your budget.
  • How to convert portfolio wealth to income in retirement.
  • The answers to such miscellaneous questions as how can I automate routine financial transactions, should I pay insurance premiums annually or monthly, when is it preferable to arrange tax withholding on income instead of paying estimated tax payments throughout the year, and so forth.

With cash flow planned well, day-to-day management of finances is easier, and it is more likely that you will reach your financial goals in a timely manner.

In the area of tax planning, we can:
  • Refer you to an accountant if you need one or work with your accountant if you already have one.
  • Review your tax return each year to spot planning ideas visible to us because of what we know about the rest of your financial life.
  • Provide summary tax data about your investments each year that makes the preparation of the annual tax return easier for you and likely more accurate.
  • Inform you of changes in the tax law and discuss with you what the changes mean for your financial planning.
  • Track cost basis data for portfolios that we manage.
  • Assist with miscellaneous questions such as how to organize and how long to save financial papers, what expenses are tax deductible, and when to consult the accountant or attorney.

With taxes planned well, it is more likely that you will pay the right amount of taxes and less likely that you will encounter a surprise tax liability.

In the area of estate planning, we can:
  • Refer you to an attorney when you need one or work with your attorney if you already have one.
  • Assist with some of the personal decisions involved in estate planning.
  • Compile data for your estate planning attorney and identify and summarize potential estate planning issues for your attorney’s consideration.
  • Go with you to the attorney’s office or work with your attorney on your behalf.
  • Alert you to changes in the law or in your own circumstances that make a visit with your attorney appropriate.
  • Assist with the updating of titles and beneficiary designations as advised by your attorney.
  • Outline the provisions of your estate documents on our database so that it is always available for our review.

With estate documents well planned, it is more likely that your preferences with respect to both medical and financial affairs will be honored in the event of your incapacity or death.

In the area of retirement planning, we can:
  • Create a long-term tax and cash flow forecast that will pinpoint a probable lifestyle based on assets accumulated or amount of savings planned in pre-retirement years.
  • Test the sufficiency of your retirement capital against your life expectancy and spending requirements.
  • Help you select the best retirement pre-tax retirement program available to you.
  • Perform multiple “what if” scenarios so that you can understand changes in assumptions over the long term.
  • Help you determine an appropriate lifestyle goal for the future.

With retirement planning thoroughly analyzed, you are more likely to achieve your long-term financial independence goals and avoid underfunding those important years.

In the area of insurance planning, we can:
  • Identify potential gaps in your insurance coverage and show you how to close those gaps.
  • Clarify your employee benefits package and specify what insurance coverage is needed to supplement that package.
  • Tailor insurance recommendations to your needs so that you pay the right amount for the correct coverage.
  • Alert you to changes in the industry or in your life that suggest a need to update insurance coverage.
  • Plan for what to do when insurance coverage stops, for example, when you leave a job or change marital status.

With insurance coverage well planned, you are better protected against the financial consequences of a major misfortune.

In the area of investment planning, we can:
  • Characterize your current portfolio with respect to how well its risk and return characteristics match your circumstances and preferences, and how well costs have been minimized and diversification optimized.
  • Specify the portfolio appropriate for your goals and circumstances and determine how to get from your current portfolio to our portfolio including specific investment purchases and sales (if this option is chosen).
  • Identify portfolio strategies that minimize attempts to time the market or to guess which individual security or mutual fund will be the next hot performer.
  • Implement suggested portfolio strategies.
  • Provide access to investments not available to retail investors.
  • Establish optimal allocation for retirement plans at work.
  • Provide ongoing education about investments.
  • Regularly monitor and rebalance the portfolio.
  • Report portfolio performance each quarter and after our fees.
  • Discuss portfolio questions with you as they arise.
  • Coordinate investment strategy with tax planning and suggest specific investment ideas designed to reduce tax liability.
  • Plan how to convert portfolio wealth to regular income in retirement.

With investments well planned, you can be confident that personal wealth will grow in a manner that is appropriate and tax efficient for you.

In the area of intergenerational planning, we can:
  • Help you decide whether, when, and how to talk with parents and children about financial issues.
  • Provide financial education for your newly adult children.
  • Be a resource to you for financial intergenerational questions that arise in your extended family.
  • Assist you in raising financial questions with your extended family to the extent that you desire and help you to identify issues that could profitably be raised.

With intergenerational issues well addressed, family relations and
family wealth are enhanced.

Other Issues: We help clients with other concerns as they arise that are at all related to finances, for example:

  • Help a child get started on an investment program.

  • Help you decide on an educational savings program.

  • Brainstorm about prenuptial agreements.

  • Plan job negotiations for a new position, a raise, or a layoff.

  • Decide whether, when, and how to give adult children financial gifts.

  • Tailor charitable gift strategies to personal values and tax status.

Life is a lot more comfortable when you have an advisor to turn to whenever anyissue in your life develops that even remotely impacts personal finances.

All of these areas are important in helping you achieve personal financial success. Successful people need and value all aspects of financial planning. Our planning services include mathematical analysis and forecasting, professional evaluation and advice, specific recommendations, support, a structure for making decisions, and accountability—all so that we can enable people to make effective financial decisions, and to find ways to become more effective in their personal and business lives. Often people work with us to put issues into perspective, and to make important decisions that require professional analysis.

Ready to Find Out More?

The first step toward securing a brighter financial future is to schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation with one of our expert advisors today. During this meeting, we will get to know each other and determine what matters most to you as well as understand the challenges you face in accomplishing your most important goals. With this information, we can determine if Premier Wealth Advisors is the right firm to assist you in making even smarter decisions about your money. If there is a fit for us to work together, it will also help us to create a multifaceted wealth management plan for you. This first step could significantly improve your life now and into the future.

Boston, MA:

636 Great Road,

Stow, MA 01775


Las Vegas, NV:

1180 N. Town Center Dr., Suite 100 
Las Vegas, NV 89144


Corporate Office - 

Los Angeles, CA:
6200 Canoga Ave., Suite 202

Woodland Hills, CA 91367



Advisory services offered through Premier Wealth Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor.

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This is not an offer of sale of securities. All investing involves risk, and particular investment outcomes are not guaranteed. This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation for any security, or an offer to provide advisory or other services by Premier Wealth Advisors, Inc. in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. The information contained on this website should not be construed as financial or investment advice on any subject matter.

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