Pre-Discovery Meeting
Objective: Prepare Prospect for the Discovery Meeting after their 30 min call.
Scheduling the Discovery Meeting
Step 1: Within 24 hours of introductory phone call, send an email to have prospect schedule Discovery Meeting and what prospect will need to submit prior to our meeting.
(TEMPLATE 1: Invitation for Discovery Meeting (For In Person Meeting):
Includes date & time of meeting, Survey link, Intro video & list of things to bring to initial meeting & address or Zoom Info.
Attachment 1: Covid-19 Update
Attachment 2: Instructions for Parking (Picture 1)
Attachment 3: Instructions for Parking (Picture 2)
Attachment 4: What to have ready for the Meeting: Discovery Documents
Link 1: Questionnaire to complete before meeting: Survey Monkey (1st Portion)
Link 2: Jacks Intro Video (Need to Create)
(TEMPLATE 2: Invitation for Discovery Meeting (for Zoom Virtual Meeting):
Includes date & time of meeting, Survey link, & List of things to send before initial meeting & Zoom link and instructions
Attachment 1: Survey Monkey Link Questions
Attachment 2: Discovery Documents
Step 1a: Schedule reminder in RT for follow-up of documents receipt and survey completion
Step 1b: When prospect completes survey, upload into their documents section on RT. Also save the survey in their offline client file and print out for their file in our cabinet in our office. UPDATE receipt in WORKFLOW in RT. Remove follow up reminder.
Step 1c: When Prospect submits ALL needed documents or have made arrangements to have documents available during Discovery Meeting, AND has completed the survey (both MUST have been completed), Schedule a reminder for 24 hours before Discovery Meeting to send the “Discovery Meeting Reminder Email”.
(TEMPLATE 3: Discovery Meeting Reminder Email)
(TEMPLATE 4: Script for phone call reminder of next day Discovery Meeting)
Step 2: If they have not completed the survey monkey questionnaire 3 days before their Discovery Meeting, resend email asking them to complete the survey.
(TEMPLATE 5: Email with survey link asking again to complete survey)
Step 2: 24 hours before Discovery Meeting send Reminder Email and call to remind
PROCESS 2: Preparation for Discovery Meeting
Step 1: Update Agenda with pertinent information
Step 2: Update True Purpose for Money Booklet & Prepare
(See Resources)
Step 3: Update & Prepare Total Client Profile (TCP) Questions
(See Resources)
Step 4; Prepare Mind Map Drawing Pad
Step 5: Prepare Elite Wealth Management Process
Chart & Formula. (See Resources)
TEMPLATE 1: Invitation for Discovery Meeting (For In Person Meeting):
Attachment 1: Covid-19 Update
Attachment 2: Instructions for Parking (Picture 1)
Attachment 3: Instructions for Parking (Picture 2)
Attachment 4: What to have ready for the Meeting: Discovery Documents
Link 1: Questionnaire to complete before meeting: Survey Monkey
Link 2: Jacks Intro Video
Soon to come
TEMPLATE 2: Invitation for Discovery Meeting (for Zoom Virtual Meeting):
Attachment 1: Survey Monkey Link Questions
Attachment 2: Discovery Documents
Template 1: Email Template to Send: Re-Discovery Meeting Confirmation (For In Person Meeting): includes date & time of meeting,
TEMPLATE 2: Invitation for Discovery Meeting (for Zoom Meeting): ​
TEMPLATE 3: Discovery Meeting Reminder Email)
TEMPLATE 4: Script for phone call reminder of Discovery Meeting)
​TEMPLATE 5: Email with survey link asking again to complete
TEMPLATE 6: Request Email Marketing from Client to Prospect
Pre-Discovery Agenda​
Prospective client's name
Discovery Meeting Agenda
Date of meeting
Time of meeting
Ideal outcome for our meeting
Overview of agenda
Total Client Profile interview
Review of financial paperwork
Assessment of ability to add value
Overview of next steps in our wealth management process
Definition of wealth management
Schedule the Investment Plan Meeting, if appropriate